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  • »Benjamin_Willard« ist männlich
  • »Benjamin_Willard« ist der Autor dieses Themas

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Registrierungsdatum: 24. April 2007

Wohnort: Oberbayern

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Freitag, 15. Januar 2010, 16:21

ICS AEGs Parts and Accessories Compatibilities


ICS AEGs Parts and Accessories Compatibilities

ICS receives many enquiries recently all over the world. They are concerned about the compatibilities of ICS AEGs parts and accessories. They would like to know whether they can use the parts or accessories from other brands to repair or upgraded ICS AEGs.

ICS would like to clarify this concern.

ICS keeps designing and developing AEGs and AEGs related products by itself. One of the ICS philosophies is to design the AEGS as easy and as fast as possible for players to disassemble and do maintenance. Therefore you could find the innovations and ingenious designs on external and internal structures of ICS AEGs. It is why ICS AEGS are unique. However, ICS doesn’t forget to keep the conveniences for players to do the maintenance or upgrade ICS AEGs. When ICS design house is creating a new model, they try to incorporate as many standard parts on the market as possible without compromising the genius designs. Therefore players can not only use ICS original parts and accessories for their ICS AEGs, but also use the parts and accessories from other manufacturers. 90% of ICS AEGs parts and accessories are compatible with others’ except some ICS exclusive designs.

ICS tactical rails adopt the real firearm tactical rail standard. All the accessories that follow the standard can fit ICS tactical rail, such as scope, tactical grip, flashlight…etc.

ICS MX5 series incorporate Version II Gear Box.

ICS M4 series incorporated Version II Gear Box with split features. The internal parts are compatible with version II Gear Box parts (except the anti-reverse lever).

ICS AK、SIG、Galil series incorporate Version III Gear Box.

ICS L85/86 series incorporate ICS exclusive Gear Box. The gears, spring, cylinder, cylinder head are compatible with other brands’.
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