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[EN] Well, it happened - we have developed a new technology for ultra-lightweight materials! We have great pleasure to present to you a new generation of cardboard tactical equipment! Our new material is even lighter, cheaper and, above all, 100% organic! All our vests are are made of recycled materials and in 100% biodegradable.
Our new design is inspired by the ancient Chinese paper armor- as they say, history comes full circle. Now, thanks to laser technology, the old idea can see the sunlight once more.
The inner surface is undulated - very beneficial effect on ventilation.
Each kit comes with a new mounting system (vikol glue) and a set of tools to create your own unique camouflage (all pencils are IRR coated! )
Ayo.. Papiermodelle baun hat in Polen ja ne lange Tradition
4 Besucher
Forensoftware: Burning Board®, entwickelt von WoltLab® GmbH
Style made by Kugelfisch /
based on the old 6mm Style /
grafics by Kugelfisch, WoltLab® GmbH, and Others.